Xianyao Zhang

Excel Tips

Sometimes I have to do some Excel operations. They say it is not good to show that you know Excel on your resume, but I do think sometimes it is handy :)

Functions / 函数


trend([known_y], [known_x], new_x) performs (least square) line fitting on known_y and known_x as \(y=ax+b\) and predicts the \(y\) value of new_x.

Shortcuts and quick settings / 快捷键及快速设置

  • 重新计算所有公式, recalculate all formulae: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9.
  • 多列/行自动列宽/行高, automatic column width (or row height) for multiple columns (rows): Home->Cells->Format->Click!

Charts / 图表


  • 要求:给两条折线A,B中间夹的部分绘上阴影。
  • 做法:
    1. 百度经验。用A,B画面积图(而不是折线图),将下方的折线(如A)对应面积图的填充颜色设为白色(或背景色),就可以得到阴影图。 问题:如果背景有其他图表则会覆盖住其他图表。
    2. 百度经验里也有…百度还是有点用的。 English 利用堆积面积图,首先计算B-A,而后用A和这个差值制作堆积面积图,而后将A代表的面积块的填充色设为透明即可。需要较新的Excel版本。

(Background image credit: video)